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Starbucks MenuPrice: $9
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CupcakesPrice: $9
Winery Wine BarrelPrice: $9
Food Ripe BananasPrice: $9
Starbucks CoffeePrice: $9
RefrigeratorPrice: $9
Ice Cream ScoopsPrice: $9
Attention Deficit ...Price: $9
Chocolate CookiesPrice: $9
Piece of CheesePrice: $9
Beer and barrelPrice: $9
Cobra SnakePrice: $9
Painting ApplePrice: $9
Vitamin Oil Capsul...Price: $9
TamarindPrice: $9
Beverage CanPrice: $9
Fresh Fruits and B...Price: $9
Drinking Dining Re...Price: $9
BreadsPrice: $9
Almonds with Kerne...Price: $9