How to Group and Ungroup Objects in Google Slides?

On: Mar 20, 2023 , in Others / Google Slides Tutorials

Grouping objects in Google Slides can save time and make it easier to create and edit your presentations.

Grouping objects in Google Slides can be helpful in several ways:

1. Organization: Grouping objects allows you to organize your slide and keep related objects together. This can make it easier to find and edit objects later on.

2. Movement: Grouping objects allows you to move multiple objects at once. This can be useful if you want to move several objects around the slide and keep their relative positions.

3. Resizing: Grouping objects can make it easier to resize multiple objects at once. Instead of resizing each object individually, you can resize the entire group.

4. Styling: Grouping objects allows you to apply styles to the entire group. This can be helpful if you want to apply a certain font or color scheme to multiple objects at once.

5. Animation: Grouping objects allows you to apply animations to the entire group. This can be useful if you want to create a complex animation involving multiple objects on the slide.

To group and ungroup objects in Google Slides, follow these steps:

1. Open the Google Slides presentation that contains the objects you want to group or ungroup.
2. Select the objects you want to group by clicking and dragging your cursor over them.
3. Right-click on one of the selected objects, then select "Group" from the dropdown menu.
4. The objects will now be grouped together as a single object. You can move, resize, or apply formatting changes to the group as a whole.
5. To ungroup the objects, click on the group to select it, then right-click and select "Ungroup" from the dropdown menu.
6. The objects will now be separated and you can edit or format them individually.

Note: If you accidentally group objects that you didn't intend to group, you can use the "Undo" feature by pressing Ctrl+Z (Windows) or Command+Z (Mac) to revert the changes.

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